The doll’s eyes and the figure eyes are hollow blown eyes. The size of the iris is half of the eyeball +0.5 - 1 mm; except of the Reborn eyes.
hollow blown glass-eyes | Pair of eyes | Reborn eyes |
The iris of the Reborn eyes is appropriate bigger so that I have to charge a surcharge of 10%. Reborn eyes have the same iris markings and colours in their design as doll’s and figure eyes.
Concerning my figure eyes with tinted eyeball I ask you to pay attention to the fact that the possible size is 18 mm - 20 mm. That’s why there is a surcharge of 10%.
If you have special wishes concerning colours, iris sizes or pupil sizes you could consult me at every time.
Glass eyes of 2nd choice are eyes with little production failures. Because of that they are cheaper. Please take into consideration that there are not always all
colours and size on stock.
Traders’ discounts are always possible. Please send your trading authorization to me.
You can download prices, delivery terms and terms of payment here as PDF file.